1. Introduction
At Ashlar Company Limited, we are committed to respecting and upholding human rights principles as outlined in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Fundamental Conventions, and other relevant international frameworks. We recognize our responsibility to respect and protect human rights within our sphere of influence.
2. Commitment to Human Rights
We are dedicated to fostering a corporate culture that respects and promotes human rights for all individuals, both within our organization and throughout our supply chain. We commit to:
2.1. Non-Discrimination
We will not discriminate against individuals based on their race, color, gender, religion, disability, age, sexual orientation, nationality, or any other characteristic protected under applicable laws.
2.2. Labor Rights
We support and adhere to the principles of fair and ethical labor practices as outlined by the ILO, including freedom of association, fair wages, and safe working conditions.
2.3. Child and Forced Labor
We do not employ or support child labor or forced labor, and we expect the same commitment from our suppliers and business partners.
2.4. Health and Safety
We are committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment for our employees and will take all necessary measures to prevent workplace accidents and injuries.
2.5. Privacy and Data Security
We will respect the privacy and data security rights of our employees, customers, and stakeholders, complying with all applicable data protection laws.
2.6. Community Engagement
We will engage with communities where we operate, respecting their rights and addressing their concerns through dialogue and collaboration.
3. Due Diligence
We will conduct human rights due diligence to identify, prevent, mitigate, and address potential adverse human rights impacts associated with our operations, products, and services.
4. Supply Chain Responsibility
We expect our suppliers and business partners to adhere to the same human rights standards outlined in this policy. We will work collaboratively to assess and improve their performance.
5. Reporting and Transparency
We commit to transparently reporting our progress in implementing this Human Rights Policy, including any identified issues and actions taken to address them, in accordance with the GRI Standards.
6. Training and Awareness
We will provide training and resources to ensure that our employees are aware of their responsibilities under this policy and are equipped to promote and respect human rights.
7. Grievance Mechanisms
We will establish effective grievance mechanisms to allow employees and stakeholders to report any human rights concerns, and we will investigate and address such concerns promptly and confidentially.
8. Continual Improvement
We are committed to continually improving our human rights performance and will regularly review and update this policy to ensure its effectiveness.
This Human Rights Policy is endorsed by the Managing Director, who is responsible for its implementation and effectiveness.
Date: 3 September, 2023
Ms. Netima Muenmai, Managing Director