Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy
Date of Approval:
10 October, 2023 (Ver. 1.0)
1. Introduction
The Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy of Ashlar Co., Ltd. reaffirms our commitment to conducting business with integrity, transparency, and ethical conduct. This policy is aligned with the principles set forth by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and serves as a framework to prevent bribery and corruption in all our operations. It applies to all employees, contractors, suppliers, agents, and business partners of Ashlar Co., Ltd.
2. Policy Statement
Ashlar Co., Ltd. is committed to maintaining a zero-tolerance approach towards bribery and corruption in all aspects of our business activities. We condemn all forms of bribery, including but not limited to the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of bribes, kickbacks, or other improper inducements, whether directly or indirectly, in any business transaction or relationship. We are dedicated to complying with all applicable anti-bribery and corruption laws and regulations, both domestically and internationally.
3. Scope
This policy applies to all directors, officers, employees, contractors, suppliers, agents, and business partners of Ashlar Co., Ltd. It covers all business operations conducted by or on behalf of the company, including interactions with government officials, private sector counterparts, and other stakeholders.
4. Key Principles
4.1. Compliance with Laws: We will comply with all applicable anti-bribery and corruption laws and regulations, including the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), the Thailand Criminal Code, and other relevant legislation in the countries where we operate.
4.2. Prohibition of Bribery and Corruption: We prohibit the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of bribes, kickbacks, or other improper payments or inducements in any form, including cash, gifts, hospitality, entertainment, loans, or other advantages.
4.3. Due Diligence: We will conduct due diligence on our business partners, including suppliers, agents, distributors, and other intermediaries, to assess their integrity and reputation and ensure they do not engage in bribery or corruption.
4.4. Transparency and Record-Keeping: We will maintain accurate and transparent records of all business transactions, expenditures, and interactions with third parties, including gifts, hospitality, and other forms of entertainment, in accordance with applicable accounting and record-keeping standards.
4.5. Reporting and Whistleblowing: We encourage all employees, contractors, and stakeholders to report any suspected or actual instances of bribery or corruption promptly through our confidential whistleblowing channels. We will investigate all reports thoroughly and take appropriate disciplinary and legal action against those found to have violated this policy.
5. Training and Awareness
We will provide regular training and awareness programs to all employees, contractors, and relevant stakeholders to ensure they understand their obligations under this policy and are equipped to identify and prevent bribery and corruption in their day-to-day activities.
6. Monitoring and Enforcement
We will establish mechanisms for monitoring and enforcing compliance with this policy, including conducting regular audits, assessments, and reviews of our anti-bribery and corruption controls and procedures. We will take prompt and effective action to address any breaches of this policy and prevent recurrence.
7. Continuous Improvement
We are committed to continuously improving our anti-bribery and corruption practices and procedures to adapt to changes in laws, regulations, and business practices. We will regularly review and update this policy to ensure its effectiveness and relevance to our business operations.
8. Communication
This policy will be communicated to all employees, contractors, suppliers, agents, and relevant stakeholders and made available on our company intranet and website. We will also provide training and guidance on the implementation of this policy as part of our onboarding process for new employees and contractors.
9. Conclusion
At Ashlar Co., Ltd., we are committed to upholding the highest standards of ethical conduct and integrity in all our business dealings. By adhering to the principles outlined in this policy and working collaboratively with our employees, contractors, suppliers, agents, and business partners, we aim to prevent bribery and corruption and maintain the trust and confidence of our stakeholders.